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Meet Douglas Fir
Aliens in the Barn Short Story
Humans put objects on trees? As a holiday tradition? The singing tree creature is a threat that needs to be eradicated.
Being human isn’t easy with robotic alien residents misunderstanding the simple stuff. Alex can’t imagine his family life without Bazin and Miaxa, though. Time to show them Christmas holiday traditions, preferably without space aliens blowing things up.

“Hey, Bazin, check this out.” Alex had been trying to explain to his resident alien about human Christmas traditions. “Meet Douglas Fir.”
Alex held up a miniature Christmas tree and pushed a button at the base of the tree. It started moving to music. Eyes popped opened from their disguised place within the branches along with a mouth that started singing “Jingle Bells.”
The alien let out an uncharacteristic yelp before lunging forward in a flurry of movement, knocking the tree from Alex’s hands and then stomping it until the music stopped. To Bazin’s credit, a gun didn’t appear out of nowhere like last time they were at this truck stop. He even managed to keep his human disguise.
“What are you doing?” Alex held up his hands.
“Did you see the size of its mouth?” Bazin nudged it with his foot. One of the bushy branches covering an eyeball twitched and he stomped on it again. “It could have eaten your hand.”
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